Corporate Social Responsibility - Reaching Out and Spreading Cheer for Ramadhan and Raya

There is the flood, there is the Covid-19, there are landslides and the chaos of the world covers the uncertainties and disturbances of the 21st century. Century Now is the time for a new beginning and it starts at home we want to improve the lives of everyone regardless of race and creed we want to remember that they too are a father, mother, brother or sister trying to live an independent life they too are a worker, a farmer and a helper facing challenges every day and doing their part to make our lives better they struggle they struggle but they have a dream more importantly they too need someone to love and care for them.

Business is about more than profit, it’s about purpose and meaning, because that’s the only way to create sustainability and legacy. We only hope that people’s basic needs for food, shelter, and psychological safety are met here. We are so grateful to be able to contribute and make a difference.

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